Save Davidson Supports Plaintiffs in Defending Hotel Appeal and Upholding Court Ruling for Town of Davidson to Follow its Own Ordinances
Save Davidson’s mission is to preserve Davidson’s small-town quality of life by educating and engaging citizens in Town governance, community advocacy, and activism.
Save Davidson participates in a number of events in an effort to educate, engage, and activate citizens. We raise money by selling items at these events. We have elected to use a portion of monies earned in this manner to contribute a sum of $500 to support the ongoing legal fund for the group of citizens opposing the proposed hotel on Griffith Street. We are not using donations made to Save Davidson for this purpose. These plaintiffs won their motions for judgment on the pleadings on procedural errors admitted by the Town but hoteliers have given notice they plan to appeal the court’s decision. This comes after the Town of Davidson admittedly broke two separate procedures of its own planning ordinance in violation of North Carolina state law.
By contributing to this effort, Save Davidson is taking an advocacy stance on this issue on behalf of citizens who oppose this project and a stance toward Save Davidson’s mission of preserving small-town quality of life.
As a social welfare organization, we feel it is important to bolster neighbors in need, particularly those who may be overpowered and unable to defend themselves individually. There is power in numbers and more so when there is full participation. We encourage citizens of Davidson who care about preserving small-town quality of life throughout our town to also consider a donation to the plaintiffs. Supporting nearby neighbors of the proposed hotel location signals that all citizens of Davidson have a different vision for our community.
You may contribute by mailing a check to the address below or by giving online.
Read more details in latest aShortChronicle story
Checks may be made payable to ‘Luke Charde, Special Account’ and mailed to:
Luke Charde
P.O. Box 785
Davidson, NC 28036
Let’s preserve our small-town quality of life together.